Pastor James Desvallons



What is the ultimate purpose of my existence? Before I answer let us take a moment to consider tree main points, Purpose, Ministry, Mission.

PURPOSE. There are four great inescapable aspects of life, which are. Origin, meaning, morality and destiny. Nothing has brought a greater satisfaction to my thirsty soul as has the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In it, and by it have I been redeemed and established to a true understanding of my existence. It is at the Cross that I have discovered my worth, purpose, and mission. There, is the love of God revealed like nowhere else. Indescribable, unspeakable, unimaginable love that goes beyond my understanding. God says to all of us, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”  (Jeremiah 33:1). As for me, to accept the love of God is a privilege, to walk with Jesus Christ is an honor. Christ says, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” (John 15:16), Having accepted this love by faith, I am now a slave of His with a mission to share this gospel with as many as I can.

            MINISTRY.  Ministry is a call to service, and to meet the needs of others. this service of love I choose to freely give out of a heart of thanksgiving for all that God has done for me personally. As a minister, my first church is my home. To love and to care for my lovely wife (Andrea P. Desvallons) and my four children. In addition, I am a member of the church which is the Body of Christ. I have been called to serve in whatever capacity possible as in accordance with my spiritual gifts. The servant of Lord says this, “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." Ellen G. White, {GW 363.2} In the scripture we find these words. “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” (Hebrews 6:10). I believe once we are saved, we are now ministers to meet the needs of others also to empower them to do likewise.

            MISSION. “Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.” (John 4:34). As a follower of Christ, I make His objective my very own. As a Lay Pastor of the SDA Church, which I believe to be God’s remnant Church. The messages of Revelation chap 14:6-12 which are better known as the tree Angels’ Messages, God’s final messages to a fallen race. In short, "this is Justification by Faith in verity", this is the message that God has given us to prepare a people for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. My mission is to share this everlasting gospel with God’s people and the people of the world by precept and example.

To answer the starting question, the real purpose of my existence is to glorify God supremely with my life, and to love and care for others just as I love and care for myself.



Lay Pastor

James Desvallons